Dragonsong’s Reprise (Ultimate)
Strats by Phase
All strats found here are often referred to as APD strats. APD (Aether PUG Discord) was the server before NAUR.
P1: Adelphel, Grinnaux and Charibert
- Vault Knights Toolbox
Interrupt order: Adel tank > phys range > Adel tank
Knockback lineup:
D △ T X T □
D □ H X H △
Charibert Protean Baits:
- H > M > R > T, alternate sides to drop puddles, starting with CW of Charibert
P2: King Thordan
- Start + Strength of the Ward Raidplan
- Sanctity of the Ward pt. 1 - Drk Relative Dodges Raidplan
- Sanctity of the Ward pt. 2 - Meteors Raidplan Sanctity: Meteor role always takes outer towers
P3: Nidhogg
- P3: Nidhogg Toolbox
- Westhogg (Arrows always face West)
- Tanks and melees adjust enumerations
- Enumeration adjust priority: CW > CCW > Diagonal
P4: The Eyes / Intermission: Rewind!
The Eyes
- The Eyes Toolbox
- Note: 3rd dive swaps use prio from their dive, so clockwise-most first dive takes clockwise-most third dive
Intermission: Rewind
- Intermission Toolbox - Slide 16 (same as P1)
- Tank LB as soon as Haurchefant appears
- H > M > R > T
P5: King Thordan II
Wrath of the Heavens
- Wrath of the Heavens Toolbox
- The two knights on the outside of the arena are relative North.
- Blue defamation player stand 4 notches from relative NW or the line below the marker.
- Divebomb marker goes opposite of the WAR (behind mage).
- Lightnings behind the WAR (closer to wall), party in front of the WAR (closer to middle)
Death of the Heavens
- Death of the Heavens Toolbox
- WAR is relative North
- Inner Dooms NW/NE, outer dooms E/W
- Outer Dooms stay out to bait ‘Circle’ after dodging quakes, move into KB spots after baiting
- NW/NE Dooms anchor SE/SW.
- ‘Square’ and ‘Triangle’ non-dooms adjust to their partner. ‘Cross’ adjust on the fly.
- Caster LB true north (A)
DOTH Quake Dodge Image
P6: Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr
- Double Dragon Toolbox
- G1 North/Nid, G2 South/Hrae
- Rot Passes: Random DPS > Tank 1 > Tank 2 > Melee > Caster
- Tank Rot Prio (or who takes first tank pass since rot applies healing debuff): WAR>GNB>>>>PLD>DRK
- If using AM for wroth, chains go to the wall and Red Ignores go closer to the middle (both under Hrae)
- WB2 in the toolbox is outdated as static WB2 is now used (see image below)
- Melee tethers in WB2 will not fully stretch, they will still live
Static WB2 Positions Image
P7: The Dragon King
- Dragon-King Thordan Toolbox
- MRH trinities, G1 (Numbers) then G2 (Letters)
- 3-3-2 stacks: G1 NW, G2 NE, tanks south
- 6-1-1 stacks: G1 and G2 NW, Kitchen Sinking Tank NE, Invulning Tank south
- Ignore Slides 33/34 (Slide 34 shows party positioning for 611 AMs however)
General Resources
Mit Sheets
DSR Cheat Sheets / Images
DSR Simulations
Helpful Macros
- P1 Setup Macro
Vault Knights PlayStation Macro
This is also the orientation of markers you’ll use in P5 PlayStation 2. It looks like this in-game:
D △ T X T □
D □ H X H △
- Meteor Dodge Macro
Spam this to perform the cursed four hour meteor dodge.
/merror off
/automove on <wait.1>
/automove off
- P5 Limit Break Macro
You can use this macro to limit break without facing your target; as a phys range with proper positioning, this will allow you to limit break four meteors instead of three.
/macroicon "Limit Break"
/autofacetarget off
/ac "Limit Break"
/autofacetarget on
P7 Mit Macro
Transition, every Akh Morn, and every Gigaflare require Kerachole/Sacred Soil. The correct timing for an Akh Morn kera/SS is immediately after the second trinity in exaflares; this will ensure it catches all of akh morn and will be up for the subsequent giggleflare.
Transition, every Akh Morn, and every Gigaflare require Kerachole/Sacred Soil. The correct timing for an Akh Morn kera/SS is immediately after the second trinity in exaflares; this will ensure it catches all of akh morn and will be up for the subsequent giggleflare.
Visual Guides and POVs
- Samurai as Melee 1
- Monk as Melee 1
- Ninja as Melee 1
- Dragoon as Melee 2
- Bard as Ranged 1
- Dancer as Ranged 1
- Machinist as Ranged 1
- Red Mage as Group 2
- Black Mage as Group 2