UltimatesThe Weapon's Refrain

The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate)

Strats by Phase

Phase 1: Garuda

Please note that the caster goes east and the off-tank goes west to take Mesohigh tethers.

Phase 2: Ifrit

Ifrit Dashes can be skipped with sufficiently high DPS.

Phase 3: Titan

NOTE: Party Finder groups in North America and Europe expect the use of an “automarker” (AM, “Allagan Melon”) third party tool to simplify the Titan Gaols mechanic.

There are Terms of Service-friendly ways of resolving this mechanic (e.g., self-marking macros), although such use is extremely rare in Party Finder and more suitable in a static environment.

Intermission: Magitek Bits

Phase 4: Ultima

Tanks left, party right on aetheric booms.

General Resources


Cheat Sheets and Images



Visual Guides and POVs




Mechanic POVs