UltimatesThe Unending Coil of Bahamut

The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)

Strats by Phase

P1: Twintania

  • Twintania Raidplan
  • Neurolink placement - Normal triangle: N, SW, SE (CCW, on 123 markers)
  • Both tanks and 1 healer (discuss) stay out of first stack for LB cheese
  • Phys. range always baits liquid hells, caster takes hatch if phys. range is first hatch (https://raidplan.io/plan/19yavfslOUU0l1Gp)

P2: Nael deus Darnus

P3: Bahamut Prime

Phase 4: Adds

  • Adds Raidplan Discuss which boss you’re taking (Default: MT Twin, OT Nael)
    Bosses between 1/3 markers, somewhat NE
    All stacks done in the center of the arena

Phase 5: Golden Bahamut

  • Golden Bahamut Raidplan
  • Akh Morn order - Share > MT invuln > OT invuln > Share
  • Shared busters are kitchen sinked with all available mits
  • 60s/90s CD AoE mit - Either Morn Afahs 1/3/5 or 2/4
  • 2m CD AoE mit - Either Morn Afahs 1/4 or 2/5
  • Discuss with co-tank/melee/caster which Morn Afahs to mit
  • NO tank LBs in default mit plan unless it’s an emergency (e.g <8 person stack or invuln not up)

General Resources

Mit Sheet

Cheat Sheets



Good Aether Markers
{"Name":"good aether markers","MapID":280,"A":{"X":20.986,"Y":0.0,"Z":-11.02,"ID":0,"Active":true},
Aether PF
{"Name":"aether pf","MapID":280,"A":{"X":20.909,"Y":0.0,"Z":-11.182,"ID":0,"Active":true},

Prepull setup

2 light parties in a line, designated as left or right

L1 | R1 (tanks)
L2 | R2 (healers)
L3 | R3 (melee)
L4 | R4 (ranged)

Visual Guides and POVs

